
Gods rainbow colors
Gods rainbow colors

gods rainbow colors gods rainbow colors

(For example, Revelation 3:1, 4:5, and 5:6) Scripture also says that God is light (1 John 1:5). I read in Revelation about the “seven spirits” or as is sometimes translated, “sevenfold Spirit” of the Lord. Learning about God’s seven redemptive names led me into an interesting train of thought. Jehovah-Tsidkenu-The Lord Our Righteousness God’s “seven redemptive names” describe seven redemptive aspects of his character. I first read about God’s “Seven Redemptive Names” in F.F. God’s Seven Spirits And Many-Colored Wisdom I took a bunch of his flags to Russia and did a seminar on using colors and banners to proclaim God’s glory. But after writing about white banners last week, I thought it might make an interesting blog post to talk about God’s names and the colors of the rainbow. I wanted to keep it to the most essential and necessary truths in that book. I talked about non-verbal proclamation in I Will Awaken The Dawn. I mentioned this, but I didn’t get into how the colors might correlate with different aspects of God’s nature. Although this shouldn’t be taken dogmatically, it may be encouraging and useful to you as you practice non-verbal proclamation.

gods rainbow colors

I’m going to compare God’s “seven redemptive names” with the colors of the rainbow. I don’t like when people teach subjective things as as if they were doctrine, without solid scriptural support. What I’m about to share, I’m not sharing as doctrine. Last week we talked about God’s name “The Lord Is My Banner.” We discussed using banners to proclaim God’s dominion and his name, “The Lord Our Peace.”

Gods rainbow colors